From 15th to 18th November 2023 a few students from the Gymnasium am Löhrtor participated in this year's SiegMUN (Model United Nations Siegen). What is MUN? Model United Nations is a simulation imitating the procedures of the United Nations where university and high school students from all over the world assemble; in order to replicate international politics, hence debate global issues in regards to politics and society.

siegmun2023 1Every participant plays the role of a diplomat representing the position of their assigned country. Therefore, all participants investigate, debate, deliberate, consult and subsequently develop solutions to today’s problems collectively. Let's take a more precise look at the procedure of a session; after completing roll call and setting the agenda, motions can be set. For instance the committee moves to a moderated caucus, in which speeches can be held and procedural votes are made. Conversely, during an unmoderated caucus delegates can exchange their stance, for the purpose of forming alliances, and formulate their working papers, aiming to get them accepted as draft resolutions. Ultimately this draft resolution is voted upon, potentially making it an official resolution.

Congratulations to Silas (Q1) for participating in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). As well as to Elisabeth (year 10), Elsa (year 10), Margaretha (Q1) and Marlene (Q1), for taking part in the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) and their accepted resolutions.

siegmun2023 2Expressing our sincere gratitude for MUN director Gerrit Pursch for promoting this organization. Furthermore, appreciating Mrs Lorsbach for facilitating this process, not to mention her encouraging support. By participating you get the chance to gain understanding for international relationships, laws and policies. As well as to enhance the ability of applying rhetorical strategies through public speaking. Moreover, to achieve negotiation and problem-solving skills by engaging in teamwork.

Due to this year’s experience at SiegMUN 2023 we aspire and look forward to participate again next year. We can only recommend that you to take part as well!

Margaretha and Marlene