Hello, I am Carol, I am fifteen years old, I am from Taiwan. (Please remember it's Taiwan, not China nor Thailand.) I like drawing, reading and listen to music. I can also play  a chinese instrument er-hu, which sounds a bit like a violin. I am a exchange student from Rotary club, and I'll be staying in this school for one year.

I always like to come to Germany, to experience your lifestyle and learn your language and culture, so it is llike a dream come true that I am actually here now. I am here for two weeks already, and I love Siegen very much!! You people ar so nice!!

Everything here is different from home, maybe you will be interested in it.
Taiwan is a small island in Asia, maybe you have never heard of it before. The city I come from, is the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. Though the land is small but it is very crowded. And Taipei 101 is the tallest green building in the world, and it used to be the tallest building too. Manderin Chinese is my mother toungue, but I can also speak a little bit of Japanese, you can talk to me in English, and I am working hard to learn German now. The weather in Taiwan must be very hot for you, it is 36-38 °C in summer, and the lowest temperature in winter is about 8-12 °C. The weather here is already too cold for me, though it's only autume now, I don't even want to imagine how cold it will get in the winter.

About food, we often eat rice in Asia, and you eat bread and potato here, I am surprise by all the different kinds of cheese and breads, although it is different but I like German food very much. And the next thing I would like to talk about is school, we don't need to change the classrooms, and we can't choose  the subjects we are taking. We have to be in school before 8:00, there are 10 minutes breaks between classes, we can decide whether we are going out of the classroom or not, most people prefer to stay inside, and we aren't allowed to go out of the school until 16:00 when the school end. There are way more tests and homework back home, so people usually go to cram school after class.

Finally I thank Gymnasium Am Löhrtor for hosting, and thank the students here for being so friendly. If you want to know more about me and my country, you can always come to ask me.